Utah Bankruptcy Filing Statistcs for October 2012

Salt Lake City, Utah, bankruptcy filing statistics have been updated by the United States Bankruptcy Court’s District of Utah for October 2012. For the tenth month straight, Utah bankruptcy filings have been lower this year than for the same months last year. In October of 2012, Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings were 936 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy filings were 441, totaling 1,379. In October of 2011, combined Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 filings totaled 1,433.

According to Salt Lake City Utah bankruptcy attorney assessments, if the number of bankruptcy filings is an indicator of the Utah economy, a reduction in the number of bankruptcies filed for the past 10 months compared to the same period last year may suggest that the economy is improving.

Contact a South Jordan Bankruptcy Attorney

If you are considering bankruptcy options, feel free to call the Utah bankruptcy lawyer team at Pearson Butler, at (800) 265-2314 for a free consultation.
