Ryan Gregerson

4 Ways to Prepare for a Divorce

1) FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS – Each party in a divorce is required to file a Financial Declaration, a document which discloses all the income, assets, accounts, debts, and expenses in a marriage. Take your time to gather up all the financial documents you have. Complete the Financial Declaration thoroughly. Many decisions of the Court will be based on this information. Incomplete or inaccurate information can negatively affect your case. You can get a copy of the Financial Declaration from the Court’s website (utcourts.gov) or directly from your attorney.

2) KEEP A LOG – As soon as you separate, keep a log of the dates and times you have parent-time and when exchanges occur. The first hearing in a case is often for Temporary Orders, and that log can be the key to your custody case.

3) KEEP A JOURNAL – Information about your children, parent-teacher conferences, doctor’s visits, transportation for school, and making decisions about your children’s lives can be helpful information for the court and custody evaluator in making decisions for your case. Tracking that information at the time it happens is much more valuable than telling someone later.

4) STEER CLEAR OF SOCIAL MEDIA – While going through a divorce, consider deactivating your social media accounts. This will keep you from giving it to the temptation to vent there or post things that hurt your case. Social media functions like a free private investigator for your Ex; do you really want to help them out for free? If you just can justify shutting it off completely, at least discuss with your attorney what you should or shouldn’t post on social media.
