Utah Bankruptcy Filing Statistics for May 2013

Each month, the United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Utah, updates the Utah bankruptcy filing trends. The court lists the number of bankruptcies filed according to Utah Chapter 7 bankruptcy, Utah Chapter 13 bankruptcy, Utah Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and Utah Chapter 12 bankruptcy filings. Filing statistics for May 2013 show an increase in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 filings, a decrease in Chapter 11 filings, and status quo for Chapter 12 filings.

The graph shows that from April to May 2013, Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings increased from 954 to 1,054. Similarly, Chapter 13 bankruptcy filings increased from 420 to 423. Utah does not file many Chapter 11 bankruptcies, which decreased from 2 filings statewide to only 1 filing. Chapter 12 bankruptcies are quite uncommon in Utah and know Chapter 12 bankruptcies have been filed all year long. Although this monthly trend looks like there are increases in bankruptcy filing for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases, May 2013 total filings were 1,489, which is less than the May 2012 total filings that were 1,562. Each month of YR 2013 has had fewer bankruptcy filings than during the same months of YR 2012.

Contact a Utah Bankruptcy Lawyer

If you or a loved one has questions about bankruptcy options, feel free to contact a Utah bankruptcy lawyer at the law offices of Pearson Butler. Our experienced Utah bankruptcy attorneys have collectively helped thousands of individuals and couples file for bankruptcy protection. To speak with an attorney and schedule a free bankruptcy consultation, call (800) 265-2314.
